
3 Easy Ways To Use Multiple Whatsapp On One Device

Do you want to know how to sign into multiple WhatsApp account from the same device? Let us find out here:

As most of us know and even as many of us use, Whatsapp is the most commonly used instant messaging application these days. The main reasons behind its popularity are easy-to-use interface and simplicity. Even though they use this form widely, some people, who will have to maintain different WhatsApp accounts for business and personal purpose have the difficulty of handling two different phones for the same. But, it is possible to manage multiple WhatsApp accounts from a single phone with the help of the following 3 Easy Ways To Use Multiple Whatsapp On One Device.


1. Use multi-user in Android phones:

You can do this if you own Android Lollipop phone. To do this, visit the settings of your phone and then click on users and then add the new user. Then, provide complete details to create a new user account. By pulling down the notification bar, you can switch to the new user and then click on the new user icon. Once this is done, install WhatsApp and provide complete details on the other WhatsApp account that you already do not have in the phone. Now, you will have two WhatsApp accounts on your phone. With the multi-user account, you can handle multiple WhatsApp accounts on your personal phone.

2. Use switchme to run multiple accounts:

There is an Android app called switchme and installing this on your phone will enable you to handle multiple WhatsApp accounts. But to run switchme, your phone should be rooted.

3. Use OGWhatsapp:

This third party WhatsApp client is another easy way to use multiple WhatsApp on one Android. The best thing about this app is that it does not require that your phone should be rooted to provide you the opportunity to run multiple WhatsApp accounts.

All the above mentioned methods are working and we’ve personally tested all of these. So you can use any of them to easily use multiple whatsapp on one android. Make sure you visit us daily for more technology stuff.

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